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pip support

conda-lock has experimental support to allow locking mixed conda/pip environments.

Usage with environment.yaml

conda-lock can lock the dependencies.pip section of environment.yml, using a vendored copy of Poetry's dependency solver.

  - conda-forge
  - python >=3.9
  - requests
  - pip:
    - some_pip_only_library

If in this case some_pip_only_library depends on requests that dependency will be met by conda and the version will be constrained to what the conda solver determines.

We recommend avoiding the --kind=explicit flag when there are pip dependencies. Most tools (except for conda-lock install) do not recognize pip dependencies from explicit lockfiles, so they may be silently ignored. The default lockfile format explicitly supports pip dependencies.

Usage with pyproject.toml

If a dependency refers directly to a URL rather than a package name and version, conda-lock will assume it is pip-installable, e.g.:

python = "3.9"
pymage = {url = ""}

Similarly, if a dependency is explicitly marked with source = "pypi", it will be treated as a pip dependency, e.g.:

python = "3.9"
ampel-ztf = {version = "^0.8.0-alpha.2", source = "pypi"}

In both these cases, the dependencies of pip-installable packages will also be installed with pip, unless they were already requested by a conda dependency.